Baseball or water polo?

By Pete Mohr | March 10, 2010

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baseball rain fieldSunday’s deluge (with more rain predicted for Tuesday) may leave Falcon Field unplayable for Thursday afternoon’s important Desert Sky opener against McClintock. Working hard to clean up the mess late Monday afternoon were Baseball Falcons (l-r) Sean O’Grady, Co-Captain Jaron Long, Assistant Varsity Coach George Lyle, Brent Nurre, A.J. Zygutis and Connor Sabanosh. Rumor has it that if the ark can be successfully maneuvered up 60th Street, Head Coach Mike Baker is seriously considering Noah as his starting pitcher against the Chargers. On Tuesday, the Falcons were weathered out at Sunrise Mountain, with a make-up date likely in late April. “Rain, rain go away! Come again some other day!”


Lady Falcons All-Region Honors

By Pete Mohr | March 10, 2010

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cshs girls basketballFor sure, the Feb. 25 loss 45-59, to Apollo in the State Semifinals hurt; but it by no means took away appreciably from the great season posted by Head Coach Ryan Pletnick’s undefeated (in Region play) Desert Sky Champions. The 2009-2010 Girls Basketball program was ably complemented by Varsity Assistant Coach Emily Shoulders, JV Coach Jim Marando and Freshman Coach Michelle Ryndak. Special congratulations to senior and Co-Captain Maria Carranza (above, foreground), voted Region “Player of the Year.” (middle, l-r) junior Kate “Ac Attac” Accola (2nd Team), senior Chelsea Zalewski (2nd Team), senior Molly Shoulders (1st Team). (back, l-r) Honorable Mention recognition to junior Kaylee Paciora, junior Kara Curley, senior and Co-Captain Kaila Peluso. “The Falcon Fanatic Award?” A tie between Master Daubry Pletnick, age 1, and his lovely Mom, Leslie. Congratulations to all!


Six Ladybirds "mercy" smiles!

By Pete Mohr | March 10, 2010

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cshs softballFresh from their solid 4th place finish (out of 22 teams) at the Feb. 25-27 Dorado Classic (Tucson’s Canyon del Oro), Head Coach Danica Gianni’s Lady Falcons haven’t missed a beat. On Tuesday, March 2, riding on a combination of junior Camille McIver’s shutout pitching, solid hitting and tight defense, the Ladies “mercy-ruled” (Flagstaff) Sinagua, 10-0. Leading the “rouser” were (l-r) first baseman Amber Underdown (JR), shortstop Gracie Goulder (JR), McIver, second baseman Lauren Clepper (SR), outfielder Elyssa Hartsock (JR) and third baseman Kristin Hillier (SO).

But the Ladies weren’t done for the week. On Thurs., March 4, they held off a Raymond S. Kellis bottom -of-the -7th rally to edge the Lady Cougars, 6-5. With the bases jammed, two out, McIver, who’d reentered the game to pitch the 7th, reflex-snared “a sizzling line drive” (Coach Gianni) for the final out. Congratulations to Coach Gianni, Assistant Coach Bill Ferguson and the exciting LadyBirds for a great start! Softball fans, mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 16, when Notre Dame’s Lady Saints come calling. The arch-rivalry contest should be one of the season’s best.