NOVEMBER 12, 2014
Live Convention of States event November 17

The Convention of States Project is excited to announce their first LIVE online volunteer event! On November 17, at 9 p.m. (EDT), join Citizens for Self-Governance President, Mark Meckler, for a live broadcast. During this one hour event, Mark will give you the information you need to know about the Project that is returning power to the hands of the people.
Join this call to find why Bobby Jindal, Allen West, Mark Levin, prominent legal scholars, and thousands of Americans believe that calling a Convention of States is the ONLY way to stop the runaway power of the federal government.
After just completing its first year of operation, the COS Project has developed an organizational presence in 40 states. It has been introduced in seventeen states legislatures with three passing and signing the application. Alaska, Georgia, and Florida’s states legislatures have signed on. Others, like Alabama, ran out of time.
Mark Meckler, leader of Citizens for Self-Governance and the parent organization of the COS Project, along with Farris, are touring fourteen states this fall in preparation for the January 2015 legislation sessions. Their goal is to have twenty states pass the application in 2015, with the balance in 2016 and early 2017. The convention would begin several months after the 34th state signs its application.
Stop and think about this for a moment. This is a pivotal moment in American history and you are a part of it. The Constitution evolved from the Articles of Confederation on September 17, 1787 and completed the ratification process by December 1791. Here it is 227 years later and we’re talking about amending that document to return our government to what the Founders had originally intended.
The Project is gaining momentum and faster than any other Article 5 group. Over 300,000 have voiced their support for the COS Project on its Facebook page. The Project’s goal is to record at a minimum, 0.1 percent of the American population or 300,000 volunteers calling their state legislators asking their support for the COS. Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about the Project and get them to do like you did and visit the