The mercurial malaise of Millennials

steele coddington

In an exercise of frustration a bunch of my brilliant elementary school readers asked a question that reflected their interest in the plethora of media concentration on Millennials. "Who the hell are they?" they asked. Their adult-like seriousness was implied by the injection of a mild profanity to convince us they didn't want to be a part of them. Their reasoning? "If 53 percent of Millennials believe Socialism is better than Capitalism, they had better be reeducated in a Charter School that offers a realistic history of economic systems," they opined!

Their question is an expression of great hope that maybe the current Elementary School generation could grow up to understand that liberal teachers' unions, radical college professors and university student thugs are full of baloney. The "education" bullies are bent, not on education and free expression, but perpetuation of radical brain-washing that inculcates failed ideologies that reject our capitalist economic system. Maybe we will be able to call the Elementary School generation, the "Save America" generation.

The Millennials are the current population generally aged from age 18 to around 34. Most generations are grouped in a 20 year span. For example, the "Greatest Generation" included those who fought in World War II, saving the civilized world. The "Baby Boomers" were those born between 1946 and 1984, coming about when the "Greatest Generation" came home from war and started having sex again according to an expert from Las Vegas. It ended when "The Pill" was invented.

Anyhow, experts on population think the Millennials are a generation highly influenced by their parents whose principal objective was to shield their kids from all of the threats "out there." Their close control conveyed the idea that they and their children could be "friends." Growing up, they were sheltered from experiences that earlier generations thought built character, self-reliance and perseverance. They were often called "Trophy Kids," reflecting the trend in sports and other aspects of their lives that valued recognition and reward just for participating.

A National Review article by David French points out their acceptance of Bernie Sanders is because they're out from under their parents' roof and need a father figure who might, "address their grievances and ease their fears." Bernie, "Wants to make their entire country 'a safe place'." He's their "Protection from the rough and tumble world of liberty and markets." They like the idea of "social welfare," but do prefer the concept of "free markets." So there's hope!

Joanne Cohen, a young mother in New York, in a recent Wall Street Journal article spoke of wanting her elementary school daughter to be able, "To worry less about what's GOING to happen and enjoy what IS happening." She relates how friends interviewing a private school for their daughter were asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her father said, "Last week she wanted to be a banana." If she's allowed to grow up learning how to persevere with self-reliance , she's sure to be a "Top Banana." And her Elementary School generation might not be afraid to fight the Bernie and Hillary pander crusade to buy them with the failed promises of Socialism. My next article about the Millennials will be a poem to guide them through life.