My View

MAY 18, 2016

Mayoral and council

It looks like Trump is “in” if there is any predictability in politics. So it is time to begin looking in our back yard.

Cave Creek election for council and mayor is like the national election; this is a very important one. We have had our baptism with a slate and we know what slates do. Slates are anathema to the democratic process.

As practiced by the Cave Creek Slate Council, it was vicious, probably illegal and has had long lasting effects, all negative. It was typical that they voted as a majority block to suit the obsessions of their leader.

Guest Editorials:

By Mychal S. Massie | MAY 18, 2016

Trump is not a liberal or conservative, he’s a pragmatist.

We recently enjoyed a belated holiday dinner with friends at the home of other friends. The dinner conversation was jocund, ranging from discussions about antique glass and china to theology and politics. 

At one point reference was made to Donald Trump being a conservative, to which I responded that Trump is not a conservative. 

By Steve LaMar | MAY 18, 2016

Support the Open Space Initiative

At the last Cave Creek Council meeting there was a presentation by Steve Betts on the status of our negotiations to preserve our 4000 acres of open space. His report was gratifying. He announced that after a series of meetings a Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) is being drafted to reflect the details of the agreement between Cave Creek and the State Land Commissioner to work together to create a Conservation Area and Bank that will preserve forever the annexed land as open space as it was intended. The beauty of this plan confirmed by the IGA is that it will accomplished the preservation of this open space without the need for property taxation, or the substantial cost of obtaining the 4000 acres through purchase of the annexed State land at auction.

By Frosty Wooldridge | MAY 18, 2016

Four Tribes Competing For Supremacy In 21st Century America

Part 1:  The façade of diversity, multiculturalism and co-existence in America. Tribes and racial conflict.

“All ethnic groups or tribes feel more comfortable among themselves.  Like all of nature, human tribes in the modern world compete for dominance.  Call it pecking order or the struggle for survival, but it’s in humans’ DNA to fight for one’s tribe.”

By Lawrence Sellin, PhD | MAY 18, 2016

Muslims don’t assimilate, they infiltrate

Let us first, dispense with the pretense.

Every notion we in the West have adopted in terms of dealing with Muslims, both individually and collectively, is wrong.

It is a policy based more on political correctness than on rational analysis, more on a misunderstanding of culture than religion.