My View

BY DON SORCHYCH  |  mARCH 30, 2016

don sorchychThe high and mighty

On Friday, March 16, the first front page article in The Arizona Republic was headlined, “Ariz. Power broker targets Trump.” The article was written by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez, so I put little faith in the accuracy of the article.

I heard the essence of the article the previous day on Rush Limbaugh’s radio program. Rush reported the owner of the Arizona Diamondbacks said he was not for Trump and if he lost 100,000 fans so be it. Well, let’s hope he loses all his fans and has to sell his losing team. Ken Kendricks can afford it, apparently.

You may recall when loser NBA Phoenix Suns team mouthed off about anti-illegal alien statutes and lost lots of fan support. They have never regained their previous status in basketball.

So that places Kendricks in the Establishment category. He and his wife were financially supporting (little) Marco Rubio, himself an Establishment candidate. Since Rubio dropped out, the Kendrick family is supporting Ted Cruz. Cruz is second to Trump in my mind; my reservation is that he might not be as strong against Hillary Clinton as Trump.

I had planned to skip the Fiesta Days parade to see The Donald in Fountain Hills, but, not surprisingly, the event was sold out. There was hope he and Sheriff Joe would appear here but apparently it won’t happen.

Likely paid malcontents blocked Shea Boulevard, the main access road into Fountain Hills, so Trump and his supporters couldn’t get to the rally. These criminals even chained themselves to their cars to assure delays. Only three individuals were arrested. Apparently 52 people have been arrested since Trump came to Arizona to plead his case.

Brandon Tatum, an off-duty police officer, who attended the Trump rally in Tucson said the following about his experience:

Although it was the protesters who were accusing Trump supporters of being hateful, Tatum said, “These people are the most hateful, evil people I’ve ever seen. I could not believe what I saw … I thought at some point it was going to be a full-fledged riot because these people were acting so outrageous.

“I had no problems when I was there, I’m an African-American man, I had no problems with people going against me,” said Tatum, countering the narrative that Trump supporters are racist.

There is much talk about the strategy held by the Establishment to work toward a brokered convention. They may attempt to deny Trump the first majority of 1,237 delegates, which would give Trump the right to campaign for President in the general election. If he receives less than 1,237 delegates, all kinds of things could happen to deny his chances.

Then there’s the question of Rubio’s and Cruz’s eligibility: We “Birthers” have complained that Obama had no constitutional right to be president. Rubio, who was born in this country to two Cuban nationals, is not a natural born citizen and has no right to be president.

Cruz was born in Canada to a Cuban father and a questionably American mother. Canada did not allow for dual citizenship in 1970 when Cruz was born and records indicate his mother was registered to vote in Canada. Cruz was born a Canadian citizen, only renouncing his Canadian citizenship when he decided to run for president of the United States. Like Rubio, Cruz is not a natural born citizen.

The population of the USA has been abused by the establishment for years and years with promises about everything and excuses about the other party. Our Hispanic population has become a political force and its activist groups like la Raza (the race) believe the Southwest was stolen and they want it back. The estimate that 11 million illegal aliens live here is probably off by 100 percent.

A local business owner relies on E-Verify. A Mexican applicant applied for a job and was denied by E-Verify. When the business owner told the applicant, the applicant showed a green card. When asked why he didn’t show it when he applied, he said it was because he didn’t want to pay taxes.

A perfect example of the people liberals say only want to come here and work – yeah, but not pay taxes like Americans must do.

The establishment is in full cry and really doesn’t care if Hillary is elected so long as they maintain their positions of power and wealth.

The Republic that so many have died to protect rests on this election. In my lifetime I have never seen a candidate like Communist Bernie Sanders gain the traction Democrats have shown. And our youth, the Millennials, support Sanders in droves.

I have heard for years that when you are twenty if you are not a liberal you have no heart. If you are forty and still a liberal you have no mind. Think about it.

And then there is Hillary, still leading Sanders, in spite of continuing investigations concerning her causal treatment of national secrets, Benghazi and more. There is enough information to indict her now but I am sure Barack Hussein Obama has her back. There is also much to be investigated about Bill Clinton’s Ponzi scheme that feeds his Clinton Foundation. Once again it is Washington that blocks investigation of the high and mighty.