AUGUST 27, 2014

Seventy four percent oppose Executive Amnesty, White House threatens anyway

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The Obama Administration recently faced another warning sign in its relentless push for amnesty. A new poll reveals most Americans, including key voters like independents and Hispanics, oppose the President’s plan to fundamentally transform immigration laws with the stroke of his pen.

According to a new survey released by The Polling Company, an overwhelming 74 percent of the 1,001 likely voters said they reject the idea of Obama sidestepping Congress and acting alone. This includes “81 percent of independents and 75 percent of moderates.”[1] Surprisingly, Democrats do not favor it either with 56 percent disapproving of such action. The only group showing support for the unilateral efforts is liberals, 52 percent to 44 percent. [2]

Despite the Left’s claims that current policies are too restrictive, an even higher percentage approve having tougher enforcement of current immigration laws.

“75 percent want more enforcement of current immigration laws, including 63 percent of Hispanics and over 50 percent of Democrats,” according to a summary section of its findings…
When asked if the 90,000 or so unaccompanied child immigrants that are expected to cross the southern U.S. border this year should be returned home or allowed to stay, 65 percent said they should be returned, and just 22 percent said they should be relocated around the United States.

When it came to the stark question of whether illegal immigrants should be returned home or given legal status, respondents were 70 percent-20 percent in favor of returning them, with 9 percent undecided.” [2]

Ironically, the measures outlined in House border bills, which the President labeled as “extreme and unworkable,” are polling as favorable solutions.

“[B]y a 58-32 margin, people favored a plan of boosting immigration enforcement, returning child immigrants to their home countries, and restricting Obama’s effort to legalize illegal immigrants by himself. That plan is a broad description of the plan passed in the House before it left for the August break.” [2]

The survey, conducted by Kallyanne Conway, shows the White House is on the wrong side of the issue, regarding public opinion. But, despite overwhelming public opposition, don’t expect the President or his Administration to change their mind any time soon, even if it costs Democrats politically.

“[W]ould Obama actually sacrifice the prospects of the Democratic Party on the altar of amnesty? Absolutely,” said Tea Party Patriots Co-Founder Jenny Beth Martin. “It’s called Long Ball — focusing on the long-term impact of something rather than the immediate or near-term consequences.” [3]

Martin noted, “The prospective immigrant beneficiaries of Obama’s executive amnesty are not engineers from India with graduate degrees. They are predominantly low-education, low-skill people who broke the law to enter the U.S. They are prime candidates for expanding the American welfare state and are guaranteed to vote Democrat in vast numbers.” [3]

Martin’s comments are already being proven correct. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has admitted they are willing to lose the 2014 election for amnesty.

“I believe, and I say this with all the sincerity I have, that it is more important to pass comprehensive immigration reform — to me and to my caucus — than to win the election in November.” [4]

And, it’s for the very reason that Martin stated. At the 2009 America’s Future Now conference, Eliseo Medina, international executive vice-president of Service Employees International Union, explained how granting amnesty will ensure a long-term, progressive governing coalition.

“Now, when they [Latinos] voted in November [2008], they voted overwhelmingly for progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up.

And so, I think that there are two things that matter for the progressive community. Number one: If we are to expect this electorate to win, the progressive community needs to solidly be on the side of immigrants. That will solidify and expand the progressive coalition for the future. … Number two: We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million on the path to citizenship and eventually voters.

Can you image if we had even the same ratio – 2 out of 3 – if we had 8 million new voters that care about our issues and will be voting, we will create a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle.” [5]

The President is working to build his lawless coalition. Let’s hope Congress has the courage to stand with the majority of Americans and stop him.

Tea Party Patriots National Support Team

1- Lee, Tony. “Poll: Voters Want Immigration ‘Pause,’ More Enforcement, Preference Given To Us Workers.” 20 August 2014.

2- Kasperowicz, Pete. “Poll: Most Oppose Obama’s Immigration Plan, Back Tougher Border Enforcement.” 20 August 2014.

3- Martin, Jenny Beth. “Obama May Use Executive Order On Amnesty.” 18 April 2014.

4- Lillis, Mike. “Pelosi: Immigration reform more important than winning House.”
27 March 2014

5- YouTube. “Eliseo Medina Speaks on Immigrants for Votes.” June 2009 

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