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February 13 - 19, 2013


For All Signs:  Saturn turns retrograde on the 18th for the next 5.5 months.  This happens every year.  While direct, Saturn is a taskmaster.  He is also the Judge or the Teacher.  When he turns retrograde, we are given time to think about what we “should” do and prepare for the time that we will do it.  Then he turns direct again and it is time.  We must fulfill whatever is required or the consequences will materialize.  Since he is now in the sign of Scorpio, we must reduce our debts in whatever form they are.  These are not necessarily money.  Sometimes we owe time or energy.  While Saturn is retrograde in Scorpio, we can begin to pay off on our debts.  When Saturn again turns direct in July, we must clean the slate.

Aries:  This is a really good time to advance your political aspirations from behind the scenes.  If you support the Powers that Be in your world, they will return the favor now.  You are making progress toward reducing debt.  Your physical body is in better condition and you are probably feeling very well.

Taurus:  During this period you may be struggling with two priorities.  One is the intellectual leader/career type and the other is your need to nurture your primary relationship.  The demands/needs of both are in conflict.  Make an effort to compromise and bring peace between the two inside your mind and the external will fall into line.

Gemini:  This is a time in which you are thinking about your career or life direction.  You may be asking yourself questions, such as, “Am I doing what I really am called to do?”  “Is there a particular vocation for me?”  You know your current life direction needs to provide some self-healing, and this several week period is the time to evaluate it.

Cancer:  You may be concerned with an issue of sharing family resources at this time.  You feel the need to make everything even and somehow the circumstances won’t allow for that.  The resources may be so dissimilar that apples do not equal apples.  Don’t allow others to pressure you into a judgment until you are ready.

Leo:  Taking care of business and bringing projects to closure is the subject on your platter this week.  Attending to responsibilities is required.  It is possible you are working with a partner on a project.  One of you is teaching the other, or perhaps it is jointly educational.

Virgo:  It is time to look closely at the subject of health and daily routines.  Most Virgos are good to themselves related to physical health, but sometimes suffer from obsessing over problems.  This, of course, is not good for your emotional health.  Right now it appears you may have allowed everyone else’s needs to take priority over your own.

Libra:  Your bright mind and romantic/creative urges are in conflict with the need to focus attention on improving financial income right now.  Perhaps the creative genius in you costs too much to indulge.  If you streamline your expectations you can find a compromise.

Scorpio:  Your energy is flowing well this week and it is easier to focus than normal.  You can make inroads with the Powers that Be.  Activities concerning lovers and children are favored.  Creative efforts, especially in music and the arts, will be intense and powerful in their effects. 

Sagittarius:  This is likely to be a fairly routine week for the Archers.  Your attention is focused on the significant others in your life.  You want to do the best you can to create a positive atmosphere for your primary partner(s).  This particular week is a good one to catch your breath.

Capricorn:  Your charisma is powerful and you can be at your most persuasive now.  Manipulation in order to get what you want is not really necessary.  Step aside from such temptations.  Activities requiring physical energy are accented and favored now.  You have a need to get out and about to refresh your outlook.

Aquarius:  You may be taking a sober look at one or more relationships.  Even the very closest friends cannot know each other from the inside.  Sometimes we forget this fact and must be reminded we are actually separate beings, helping when we can.  Sometimes our energy is too low to be there for one another.

Pisces:  You are truly in the flow this week.  Your initiatives will be met with support from your community.  Lights are green concerning legal and publishing interests, education, travel, the internet, and church activities.  This is a good time to increase your physical strength via exercise.

Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit