don sorchychI am relinquishing the space for My View this week to Dwight Kehoe who wrote this excellent piece about the Republican Party. Sadly, he speaks more truth than untruth.
~Don Sorchych


Where have all the Republican votes gone?

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dwight kehoeThere is a strange thing going on in this country and there seems to be no one willing to step up and say “This must stop.” At last count there are over 150 voting districts across this country, where the American people are being asked to either believe or just accept, that not one person in those 150 districts totaling tens of thousands of votes, voted for Mitt Romney.

Once again conservative Americans are being told to “shut up and sit down” and it appears they are doing so. Will you? 

Are we to believe that not one idiot Obama voter voted for Romney by mistake? If I remember correctly, just a few short years ago we were told Democratic voters were so incompetent and illiterate that they made thousands of incorrect votes when they tired to vote for Gore.  Now in just a few election cycles, not even one boneheaded Democrat made an error and voted for Romney.  Really?

No doubt you have heard all the pundits, even those supposedly on the right, declare that sure there may have been some voter fraud, but not enough to change the election.

How do they know that unless they investigate? If voter fraud does not change elections, why do they do it?  Are the just practicing for the day it may change elections? That day people is here and anyone with a half-brain knows it.

Why, one might ask, would the Republican Party, which spent billions of donated dollars in this campaign, lay down like over cooked linguini? The answer, you may be surprised to hear, is they have to.

Not legally and not in the name of the GOP
And why can't they?   Because, and in these times of rage against an inept and spineless Republican party, they do not want what's left of their dwindling party members to know that they agreed, in 1981, not to challenge any voter fraud. That decree, possibly the most stupid, selfish and idiotic thing, among many, that our GOP has done, has given over these last 31 years, carte blanche to the left to steal elections.

This edict, which has the force of Federal law has been renewed, over and over again by a Leftist judge appointed by Carter. This man, District Court Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise, long retired and pushing 88 years of age, returns every cycle to renew the decree.

Read the decree here: No.09-4615
The decree states, paraphrasing, that the Republican Party will not legally challenge election fraud in national elections, especially in minority areas.

You think this is a joke? 
Well it is not. So you wonder why the leaders of the Republican Party are as quiet as church mice in the face of having the Presidency stolen right out from under them? 

The answer is, they cannot afford to let their party know, especially now with a ground swell of support for a viable third party, just how horribly incompetent they are, have been and will continue to be.

It appears that your Republican Party, back in 1980, may have broken the 1965 Voter's Protection act and in an effort to keep from being fined or imprisoned, they signed away YOUR rights to fair and clean elections, apparently for all time.  Maybe just another reason to send the GOP into third party status.  If they can't defend our vote, what are they good for?

So ... Back to the missing Romney votes. What can be done? TPATH has a suggestion.  It will take some money and some effort, but if there are any groups or people who believe the integrity of the election system is the basis of our future and our freedoms and do not want to sit idly by while felonies are committed, our votes deleted and our elections stolen, here is what you can do.

• Investigate and list each of the 150 (+/-) voting districts where they reported no votes for Romney, include the state, the towns, the district numbers in that list.

• Donate and raise funds that will pay for local and state ads in newspapers and TV requesting anyone who lives in those areas, who voted for Romney, to contact them.

• This compilation would be packaged in affidavit form and notarized, one package for each state and then delivered to that state's Attorney General requesting that a full investigation take place, before he certifies the election results.

This has to be done before December 17th and it can be. But it needs to start now.

Will someone or some group step up?

If not, TPATH will do it but we will need donations and a firm commitment from our readers to support this effort.

It is our hope that one of the many conservative groups with lots of money to spend, take this on.

Finally, this effort may not change the results of the election. But we may just be able to put a few criminals in jail as a warning against trying this in the future.

Dwight Kehoe is the Managing Editor of TPATH, Tea Party Advocacy Tracking Hub. For more information, to receive updates and to support TPATH visit