VOL. 18  ISSUE NO. 41   |   OCTOBER 10 – 16, 2012


Honoring Michael New with Citizen Soldier Protection Act of 2013

Seventeen years ago, at the age of 22, New understood the United Nations’ push for one-world government …
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mike new and son matthewIREDELL, Texas – Today, Oct. 10, 2012 marks the 17th anniversary of the day SPC Michael New of the 3rd Infantry Division reported for formation wearing the authorized U.S. Army Battle Dress Uniform with a U.S. flag on his right shoulder and a green cap on his head.

Out of the 550 soldiers in that formation, New stood out as the only soldier not wearing a baby-blue scarf, a blue ball cap and a United Nations patch on his right shoulder.

Although everyone else in formation was wearing an unauthorized uniform, reporting to an unconstitutional officer (Finish Brigadier General Jehu Engstrom) and getting ready to embark on an illegal deployment into Macedonia, New was court-martialed for his “crime.”

While the Army, with orders direct from the White House, attempted to send New to prison the jury only gave New a Bad Conduct Discharge with no prison time.

As far as their oath was concerned, many had no idea what they were doing was in violation, while others didn’t care, noting they were receiving an extra $1,000.

Then there were those who believed it might be illegal but also thought their job was to obey orders, legal or not.

And, while New’s conduct was considered “willful disobedience of a lawful order,” despite his attorney presenting mountains of evidence presented proving otherwise, the judge instructed the jury that he had determined the order was lawful and they were only to decide whether New did or did not obey that order.

New explained his situation in the documentary “Good Conduct: The Story of Michael New” by stating, “They have everything they need to implement a one world government except for world taxes and a world military – that’s what they’re trying to make me.”

Seventeen years ago, at the age of 22, New understood the United Nations’ push for one-world government as he watched Congress on both sides of the political aisle vote over and over again to incrementally turn over more control to the United Nations.

New’s parents, Daniel and Suzanne New have worked tirelessly on their son’s and our country’s behalf to preserve our national sovereignty by making it impossible for the president and the Pentagon to force American citizens to serve in a military capacity under foreign powers, unless Congress declares war.

They have written and presented the Citizen Soldier Protection Act of 2013, a bill that will “clarify existing law in order to protect United States citizens serving in the Armed Forces from involuntary servitude under military and other officers of foreign states; including required service pursuant to regional alliances or international coalitions which do not comply with the constitutional chain of command; and to restore Congress its rightful constitutional authority governing the deployment of members of the Armed Forces in service alongside and in conjunction with foreign states with which the United States from time to time is allied.”

On the anniversary of New’s refusal to serve under foreign command in a United Nations uniform, the News ask citizens to take the time to drop a message to their representatives and senators asking them to sponsor or co-sponsor this important bill in Congress next year.

Visit http://www.mikenew.com/index.html to learn about New, the proposed legislation and/or to make a donation.

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