SEPTEMBER 12, 2012

Community News Briefs

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scottsdale airport logoScottsdale Airport Pilot Briefing
Fly into Scottsdale?

Join Air Traffic Control Tower staff Dustin Becher and Maryanne Addis and airport staff member Sarah Ferrara at the next Pilot Briefing for an informal session on Scottsdale Airport (SDL) air traffic control, safety, security, noise abatement and other airport information. This briefing is open to all pilots, regardless of experience level.

Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2012
Time: 6 p.m.
Scottsdale Airport Terminal Lobby, 15000 N. Airport Drive, Scottsdale

Seats are limited so please RSVP as soon as possible. You can register online at and receive WINGS credit for the presentation, or e-mail Dustin at [email protected]. Please include your name, phone number and number of people who wish to attend.

Speak Up Scottsdale! You have a new way to be heard

You now have a brand new, easy way to make your voice heard about the programs, projects, policies and services that shape our city.

Speak Up Scottsdale ( is a moderated online discussion forum where you can offer new ideas and also comment or vote on the ideas provided by others.

As part of the launch, the city is featuring a handful of topics for discussion. These will change as new ones become timely and relevant.

For now, they include:
• The 2013 Scottsdale Bond Task Force has started its work, and you will be asked to review the work of the previous task force, suggest new construction projects to include and help prioritize which projects should be included in a future bond election
• We’re in the early stages of formulating our budget for fiscal year 2013-2014, and you can provide input about where the city should increase or reduce programs or services
• Scottsdale Public Library has experienced explosive growth in online and electronic services and would like your thoughts about what additional online services would be most valuable

They’re introducing a handful of open data sets for public use and looking for ideas about how this (and additional) information might be used to better understand city government and services

So, what are you waiting for? Join the conversation!

Still time to register for Phoenix Parks fall classes, sports

The Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department’s full schedule of fall classes and programs kick off over the next week or two, and there’s still room and time to register for many classes. More than a dozen department centers citywide are offering classes with affordable prices, experienced instructors and convenient times. For thousands of participants each season, classes are a fun way to develop new skills and get active.

Residents can sign up online 24 hours a day, seven days a week with any major credit card in the Classes and Programs link at Participants also can register in person at any community or recreation center during normal operating hours.

Parents can register their kids for everything from youth sports to fine and performing arts to dance to music lessons. Adults can choose from an equally wide range of classes whether they’re looking to get active and fit or just learn a new skill or polish up an existing one.

Information on the Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department’s classes, parks, preserves and facilities also is available by phone at 602-262-6862