VOL. 16 ISSUE NO. 44   |  NOVEMBER 3 – 9, 2010


Developers try downsizing in down economy

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skip niemiecArchitect Skip Niemiec (standing) explained the tandem parking and optional garage for the Rancho Verde del Rio condominium project to the planning commission and came up with a total of nine additional parking spaces to assuage the commission’s concerns about guest parking.   Photo by Linda Bentley

CAVE CREEK – After voting to continue review of amendments to the town’s subdivision ordinance until the Dec. 16 meeting, the planning commission reviewed amendments to the final plat and site plan for the Rancho Verde del Rio condominium project, adding eight units to the 12-unit project located southwest of Basin and Cave Creek roads.

Associate Planner Luke Kautzman said the project was originally approved by council in 2006 and said they may recall “there was a lot of conversation about the mailbox kiosk.”
He explained the footprint of the project wasn’t changing but the size of the units was being reduced.

Commissioner Ted Bryda stated, “All of a sudden you have a situation with no guest parking. You’re going to have a hard time selling these.”

Kautzman said staff looked at the plan and there were 44 spaces, where 40 are required, with land available for additional spaces.

Architect Skip Niemiec responded to the commission’s questions with the project’s owner, attorney and surveyor on hand if needed.

Bryda asked, “Where would guests park?”

Commissioner Shelly Anderson said her concern was that the project was next to commercial property and stated the tendency would be for guests to park there.

At first, Niemiec carved out an additional 3 parking spaces and then found room for five, providing a total of 49 parking spaces, nine of which could serve as guest parking.

Commissioner Bob Williams moved to approve the amended site plan with the added parking, commenting, “We’ve been through this with Surrey Hills. If this makes it work, I’m all for it.”

The Village at Surrey Hills recently amended its final plat to reduce the size of its units to encourage sales after the previous owners were unable to sell larger luxury condominiums.
With Commissioner Omundson absent, the commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the amended plat and site plan.

Planning Director Ian Cordwell stated there were no cases scheduled for November but said he expected to bring the revised subdivision ordinance to the commission for review in December.

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