Desert Foothills Library awarded prestigious grant

February 24, 2010

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To enhance Family Literacy and Reading Programs
CAVE CREEK – The Desert Foothills Library in Cave Creek is expanding early family literacy and reading programs thanks to a prestigious grant they recently received from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Arizona State Library.

library director kris proskus-bishopFamilies, children and early educators will benefit from grant funds which allow for the creation of an interactive learning environment at the library, enhanced weekly story times grouped according to age, and parent and care giver early literacy instruction programs.
Grant funds will also be used to purchase age-appropriate equipment and materials for the children's area.

"Nearly 35 percent of children enter school without the skills necessary for learning to read," said Youth Services Librarian Jaime Hansen, who wrote the grant with assistance from Library Director Kris Proskus-Bishop. "The grant allows us to instill the "Every Child Ready to Read" program reflecting our community's needs," said Hansen.

The grant is awarded on a competitive basis to Arizona libraries and is administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Sciences.

Hansen referenced six pre-reading skills which children need including narrative skills, print motivation, vocabulary, phonological awareness, letter knowledge and print awareness.

"These are proficiencies which parents can encourage early on," she said. "With today's economy and busy schedules, parents, care givers and early educators can appreciate convenient and inexpensive programs which help them learn to maximize time with their child." "Research on early literacy and brain development shows that it is never too early to start preparing children for achievement as readers and in the academic arena."

Current Story time Schedule:
Talker Time Tuesdays and Thursdays (ages 2s and 3s) 9:30 – 10 a.m., Little Ones Wednesdays (birth-24 Months) 9:30 – 10 a.m., Preschool Time with Mrs. Mara from RisingSun Montessori Wednesdays 1 – 1:30 p.m.

Please check our online calendar at for current information on Children's Programs.

For more information, contact the Desert Foothills Library, 38443 N. School House Road in Cave Creek, call 480-488-2286.