Vol. 15 Issue No. 8 | February 25 – March 3, 2009

Threat of sanctions confirms suspicion Obama has something to hide

By Linda Bentley | February 25, 2009

Active-duty officer says Obama is not his Commander in Chief or President, but a usurper to the office – an impostor

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. – Former U.S. Ambassador Alan Keyes, a 2008 presidential candidate for the American Independent Party, is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging President Barack Hussein Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve as president.

Given the constitutional requirement of being a natural born citizen, Keyes said the only fact citizens need to justify bringing a suit is the fact that Obama ran for president. “He asked to be chosen, and therefore must answer the eligibility question.”

Attorney Gary Kreep with the United States Justice Foundation, a public interest law firm, who is representing Keyes, served Occidental College with a subpoena for Obama’s records.

Occidental’s lawyer, Stuart W. Rudnick of Musick, Peeler & Garrett, faxed the subpoena to Obama’s Attorney Frederic D. Woocher of Strumwasser & Woocher, acknowledging it appeared valid on its face and the college would have no choice other than to comply with the subpoena absent a court instructing otherwise.

Woocher subsequently contacted Kreep regarding the subpoena, stating, “It will likely not surprise you to hear that President-elect Obama opposes production of the requested records,” and asked whether he would be willing to agree to voluntarily cancel or withdraw the subpoena.

If it became necessary instead to file a motion to quash to the subpoena and Obama prevailed, Woocher said full monetary sanctions would be sought.

In reaction to these events, Keyes posted on his blog, “It confirms the common sense suspicion that he won’t act forthrightly in this matter because he has something to hide.”

A week earlier, Keyes wrote, “People who have been watching recent events with any discernment must realize by now that, for all his talk of material salvation for the masses, the Obama faction really means to strengthen only those willing to serve in the army of their domineering ambition. Thanks to the phony stimulus package, they will soon have billions of taxpayer dollars with which to nourish this servile allegiance to his will.”

On Monday, Keyes wrote, “Obama’s Soviet-style com-munist state is a Tyrannosaurus Rex on parade in the Jurassic Park of dangerous political excursions. For a moment it’s exciting to get close-up and touchy-feely with something so old that we thought of as extinct. Then we remember that at feeding time, we’re on the menu.”

According to Keyes, if during the election, people had set aside Obama’s empty rhetoric to ask just what kind of change he was proposing, “They would have examined it long and hard enough to see that it’s not change at all – just the same ugly grab for power and control that has marred every socialist movement in the world, and produced the sort of results that toppled the Soviet Empire and that have taken other countries … from prosperity to starvation.”

Also on Monday, 1st Lt. Scott R. Easterling, on active duty in Iraq, felt compelled to become a plaintiff against Obama in a lawsuit being filed by Attorney Orly Taitz, who is representing a number of cases challenging Obama’s constitutional eligibility.

Because Obama has steadfastly refused to release documents to prove his constitutional eligibility, Easterling considers Obama “neither my Commander in Chief nor my President, but rather a usurper to the office – an impostor.”

He said, “As a citizen, it pains me to do this, but as an officer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this action.”

Easterling implored all service members and citizens to contact their representatives and demand that they require Obama to prove his eligibility, stating, “Our Constitution and our great nation must not be allowed to be disgraced.”

Courtesy Photo
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Scott R. Easterling, currently serving in Iraq, has joined a lawsuit filed by Attorney Orly Taitz challenging Barack Hussein Obama’s constitutional eligibility of to hold the office of President of the United States, citing his “sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this action.”