Will the real Barack Obama have to step down?

By Linda Bentley | August 27, 2008

Federal judge denies motion to enjoin Obama candidacy
PHILADELPHIA – Last Thursday, Attorney Philip J. Berg filed a complaint in U.S. District Court seeking a temporary restraining order against Sen. Barack Hussein Obama to enjoin him from running for the office of president of the United States and the Democratic National Committee from nominating Obama as the Democratic nominee.

Berg, a former chair of the Montgomery County, Penn. Democratic Party who served as deputy attorney general of Pennsylvania for eight years was also a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.

The clouds surrounding Obama’s citizenship were bolstered by an analysis of the birth certificate provided by Obama’s campaign that determined it was not just a forgery but a “horribly bad” forgery by an active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, American College of Forensic Examiners, The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, and International Information Systems Forensics Association who is also board certified as a forensic computer examiner, a certificated legal investigator, and a licensed private investigator.  

The detailed analysis, which can be found at http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/07/atlas-exclusive.html, explains, in terms this reporter doesn’t understand well enough to simplify, how the forensic expert came to the conclusion the birth certificate was forged.

Berg argued in favor of his motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) on grounds that in order to be eligible and qualified to run for the office of president, one must be a “natural born” citizen, as per Article II, Section I of the U.S. Constitution.

He also disputes Obama’s claim that he was born in Hawaii, based on Obama’s grandmother in Kenya, brother and sister, who claim they were present during Obama’s birth in Kenya.
If, in fact, Obama was born in Kenya, his mother Stanley Ann Dunham was not old enough to have met the residence requirements to have Obama registered as a “natural born citizen.”

According to Berg, if Obama was born in Kenya, the laws on the books at the time of his birth stated if a child is born abroad and one parent is a U.S. citizen, which would have been Dunham, she would have been required to have lived in the United States for ten years, five of which were after the age of 14.

Pointing out Dunham was only 18 at the time of Obama’s birth Berg states she did not meet the residency requirements to convey citizenship.

He also notes the laws in effect at the time prevented U.S. citizenship at birth of children born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent and non-citizen parent if the citizen parent was under the age of 19.

Berg argues that even if Obama’s birth could have been registered as “natural born” in the United States, Obama would have lost that citizenship when Dunham married Indonesian citizen Lolo Soetoro and relocated with Obama to Indonesia where Obama lived for four years.

Claiming Dunham failed to take an oath to regain her U.S. citizenship, which she expatriated upon her relocation to Indonesia, after returning to the United States, Berg says Obama would not have been able to regain his citizenship until he turned 18, after taking an oath of allegiance before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States, or in the United States before the attorney general or the judge or clerk of the court.

Citing the public had repeatedly asked Obama and his campaign office for Obama’s certificate of birth in order to prove he is a “natural born” citizen, a Certificate of Live Birth was finally placed on Obama’s campaign website.

“However,” Berg said, “as posted all over the internet three independent document forensic experts performed extensive forensic testing on the COLB posted on defendant’s campaign website. The forensic expert findings were the COLB was in fact a forgery. It was further discovered the original Certificate of Live Birth which had been altered and forged was issued to Maya Kasandra Soetoro, born in 1970. Maya Kasandra Soetoro is defendant’s half sister who was born in Indonesia and her birth was later registered in Hawaii.”

Some folks may recall a news story in March of this year reporting two contract employees for the State Department were fired and a third disciplined for “inappropriately looking at Obama’s passport file.”

A spokesman said it appeared to be nothing other than “imprudent curiosity” involved in the breaches of his personal data but said he wasn’t clear whether the employees saw anything more than the “basic personal data” required when filing a passport application, such as name, citizenship, age and place of birth.

That incident raises more questions about what those employees saw and if what they found is being covered up by the mainstream media.

Following a brief hearing on Friday, Berg’s motion for a TRO was denied by U.S. District Judge R. Barclay Surrick, with answers to Berg’s complaint by the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Committee due by Oct. 21.