
The only division in this town

Gary Kiernan | Cave Creek
This week I was directed to a report on Channel 12 news that was critical of the policy of Sonoran News to print photographs of those who wish to pick up illegal alien day laborers. Lo and behold, who is there standing up for the poor, downtrodden criminals? None other than Father Jenks, of the paradoxically named Good Shepherd Church. He stated, and I quote, that it "creates tension in an already racially divided town."

Let me state that the only division in this town is between those of us that insist on all laws being enforced, and the likes of Jenks who only wish to selectively enforce the laws that suit them. Of course, his tenuous grip of matters of a legal nature has been documented many times before, and illustrate why he no longer practices law.

So we now know that the previous decision to shutter the criminal alien day labor center was a sham. The church appears to be turning a blind eye to the activity in its parking lot, and its previously stated wish to be a part of our community is obviously worthless. All this from a man of the cloth, no less!

I understand that people seek guidance from the church and God. However, how spiritually adrift do you have to be to seek that guidance from a man whose word cannot be trusted? From a man who resigned from the bar rather than face up to the consequences of his actions. You certainly deserve better than this. Get rid of this parasite and show the town of Cave Creek, and its citizens, that you care about the wishes of this community. We would gladly welcome you back as productive members of our society.

One final thought; it seems to me that the Town of Carefree is desperately trying to find an innovative way to bring people to their downtown area. Jenks should move his criminal alien hiring operation to Spanish Village. Before you know it, the place will be teeming with activity, thus killing two birds with one stone.

Camouflage water tanks

Corky Coburn | Cave Creek
I am just passing along some information that I think would make a good story in light of the complaints I have heard from people who live near the water tanks recently built for Cave Creek water.

I recently had a visit with Jason Williamson during which I enjoyed seeing his portfolio of paintings. Afterwards, I remembered an event of 30 years ago, a few years after Jason came to Cave Creek.

A big water tank, for those years, was built near the corner of Basin and Cave Creek Road (its replacement is still there.) Everyone was quite upset by this glaring sight shining in the sun. So, as Mary Bonnell remembers, Grace Frederick said, “If you don’t like it, paint it.”

Jason was asked to draw the camouflage design and choose the colors. It was a gigantic paint-by-numbers. Volunteers were asked to show up with brushes and other painting gear, and paid $1 for the privilege of donating their services. According to the Cave Creek Improvement Association minutes, it brought in $30, but didn’t say if it went to pay for the paint.

The camouflaged tank was a terrific success, and solved the problem. Wouldn’t it be great if similar action could make the new tanks less objectionable?

I’ve called 20 or so people to try to find a photo of the painting crew. A photo in the October 26, 1978 Black Mountain News shows what looks to me to be an artist’s sketch (probably Jason’s) as the work was announced in that paper for the coming weekend. That paper is at the Museum. I have not been able to locate a photo, but one of your readers might have saved the following weeks paper.

Okay, it’s up to you now to follow up with a photo and hopefully encourage a volunteer effort to once again camouflage the big tanks.

Re: Daryl Hunter’s guest editorial

Sam Anderer | Cave Creek
This is in response to Daryl Hunter's guest editorial in Sonoran News, June 11 to 17, 2008 – There is a distinct difference between "Federal" and "National.”

The following notes are taken from The Pided Piper of Babylon by Verl K. Speer, D.C.L., an excellent study concerning our Constitution, civil and common law, and how our Constitution is being destroyed.

From Webster's 1828 Dictionary: "federal" comes from the Latin "foedul" meaning a "league", pertaining to a league or contract, derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, particularly between nations.

Foedal – pronounced "few-dal" and is the same as "feudal". Feudalism is a federal system in which servant, serf, is bound by a foedum or compact to his master or lord.
Note: The Declaration of Independence severed the hold of English feudalism over the colonists which was being administered and enforced upon the people under the jurisdiction of Admiralty/Maritime and pursuant to the principles, rules and usages of the Civil Law.

National: Webster: the word "nature" comes from the Latin "nasci" meaning "be born," and he defines the term "nation" to mean "a body of people inhabiting the same country, united under the same government; coming from the Latin "natus" meaning "born."

Federal has to do with contract, agreements or compacts between parties, while "National" has to do with the inhabitants of one country, united under one government.
Mr. Hunter is correct about Agenda 21. As for all mandates from the Fed, there is a solution: As stated in the First Amendment, we have the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

Definition: redress V. 1. To set right, remedy, or rectify. 2. To make amends for. N. 1. Satisfactions for wrong done; reparation. 2. correction.

Dr. Paul has stated we have the right for redress of grievance. Bob Shultz and have a plan to fight back against the government's refusal to provide redress to the people's First Amendment petitions for violations of the Constitution.

The issues at the heart of Dr. Paul's campaign are not matters of public "policy," they are VIOLATIONS of the Constitution. Those violations include enforcement of any provisions of Agenda 21 or other 'treaties" we have not ratified.
Please look at this website,

Fortune tellers foresee the value of regulation

Roy Miller | Phoenix
If anyone had any doubts about whether occupational licensing exists purely to protect the various licensed occupations and NOT to protect the public, they only need to look at the results of a recent Mesa Arizona City Council meeting. Someone on the city staff had wisely realized that the previously passed licensing of fortune tellers – yes those people using playing cards with dangerous sharp edges – was really silly and put it on the "consent agenda" to be repealed. (The consent agenda is used for those issues that everyone is obviously in agreement on and, therefore, need no discussion.)

But wait … when this came up for repeal there was surprising objection. You might expect that it was some member of the public demanding to be protected by the City of Mesa from those dangerous fortune tellers. But no, it was two fortune tellers who demanded that the city retain its regulation because, they alleged, there are actually charlatan fortune tellers out there and the reputation and credibility of the licensed fortune tellers is at stake.

To some of you this may sound really silly but, if you just think about it for a minute, this is exactly the same situation with all occupational licensing. It is always promoted to protect the public but its real purpose is to protect the regulated professions. How about considering it your good "fortune" that I am "telling" you about this and doing something about to end these ridiculous laws?

Sunshine is the best disinfectant

Carolyn DeJonge | Gilbert
"Sunshine is the best disinfectant." This is especially applicable to citizens' access to government records. A strong open records law permits citizens to monitor actions of local and state officials, and allows taxpayers to review and understand expenditures of tax dollars.

Pennsylvania's "public records" law is one of the weakest in our nation. The Pennsylvania House and Senate are working to fix the problems, but seem to be having difficulty grasping the goal of serving the public interest, instead getting distracted with protecting themselves from voters' oversight. At the minimum, a real reform law must:

• Presume that government records are "public records";
• Make agencies prove why access to records should be denied, with access being the "rule" and denials the exception;
• Apply to ALL state and local government agencies, including the legislature and the judiciary;
• Set reasonable time limits for providing access to and copies of records;
• Provide simple, low-cost and effective procedures – before an independent agency – for handling appeals from denials, and apply this process to all agencies, including the Legislature; and
• Set civil and criminal penalties for violations of the law that serve as real incentives for officials to obey it, and allow citizens who win appeals to recover attorney's fees and costs at administrative and court levels.

Any new law passed by the PA House and Senate must meet these basic standards. We deserve an open and accountable government, and real reform is long overdue.

History will prove Arpaio's greatness

Bunny Autrey | Prescott Valley
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is one of our country's greatest living law-enforcement legends. In time, history will prove it.

The local politicos with personal agendas for re-election and individuals who don't support the law of the land debase Sheriff Joe's good name. He and his department work tirelessly and risk their lives every day to protect each and every one of us.

Latino immigrants who want to live in the U.S. must abide by the same rules as everyone else. Why should they be exempt, above the law or better than someone else who has followed the rules for citizenship?

Every human being deserves the best life possible, and they should be willing to get it the right way - no if, ands or buts.

I also feel The Republic should stop showing its daily biases against the sheriff and start reporting the facts. Your reporters need to stop modifying the issues to fit your own personal agenda. We have enough rags on the newsstands as it is without wondering why The Republic can't report the facts, just the facts.

Correction on cost of Carefree newsletter postage

Lyn Hitchon | Carefree
There was a letter in the anonymous Your View column of the June 25th issue of Sonoran News, complaining that Carefree mails a monthly first class postage newsletter, spending what the writer estimates is "at least $20,000 annually."

In fact, Carefree does not send the newsletter, Carefree Cares does, via first class postage. They utilize a semi-bulk rate, available to small towns and small businesses, for both the newsletter and the water bills.

Most of the newsletters are mailed with the monthly water bills, which only increases the cost of the water bill mailing by a few cents. The rest are mailed semi-bulk rate to the approximately 600 Carefree residents who are serviced by the Cave Creek Water Company.

Carefree sends this newsletter in order to reach all their citizens, including those who do not use computers.

Carefree COINS is the Town's e-mail form of communication. It is sent out shortly after each Council meeting and additional e-mails are sent whenever pertinent information becomes available.

You can register for a free subscription to Carefree COINS on the Town's website,, and/or you can visit the comprehensive website at any time for information.

Illegals at the church

Robert Mack | Cave Creek
Could the paper also print the names of the people picking up the illegal's by running the license plate? I don't know the legality of doing this, but if it is legal it sure would cut down on this sort of thing.

Concerning those two Mexican bottom feeders Don ran pictures of recently. Just think how you employers are taking a chance on hiring low lifes like these guys. To even allow them around your home, business and/or family is just nuts and if you think they won't remember some day where they saw some easy pickin’s at your home or business … your nuts also! Recently the Sonoran News printed a picture of a woman picking up an illegal by herself and all I can say is … Lady you’re living on the edge.

The vast majority of home/business invasions and burglaries are from guys who have been to the place before and 'cased' the surroundings. They for the most part just don't randomly pick out a home or business … they've been there before and they see something they want or they pass the information on to a buddy, but almost always there is some sort of history preceding the criminal act.

We need less talk – We need more action

Jack C. McVickers | Scottsdale
Senators Clinton, Obama and McCain have talked about the urgent problems facing our country. They have told us that they have the solutions.

THEY ARE SENATORS FOR GOD’S SAKE! Let them take a pen in hand and put their solutions in the form of bills. Let them introduce their bills on the floor of the senate. Let’s see who has the best bills and the ability to persuade other senators. Let’s see which bills, if any, President Bush vetoes.

There is no need to wait until January. We need action now! Let them put their pens where their mouths are. What have they been waiting for? LET THEM PUT UP OR SHUT UP!

Dissapointed in Saban

Name withheld by request | via e-mail
I am very disappointed in a man by the name of Dan Saban running for sheriff. I was at a speech he gave and it is so clear he is selling out to the illegals that are destroying our country.

A good friend of mine sat at a table with what could only be described as legal illegal aliens. Why can't people enforce the laws of our land? Gerald Richards, a candidate for the county attorneys office, all but said he was not going to enforce a law that is on the books. It is so upsetting that people cannot see the drain this has caused to our country. They all seemed like a bunch of glad handing phonies.

Don – thank you for all you do. Keep up the good work – you are a friend to Cave Creek.