Just ask Gus

October 1, 2008

GusDear Gus:
My humans have started taking fish oil. They say it's good for their health. Should I be taking fish oil too? ~ Clive

Dear Clive:
Fish oil is chock full of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), which play a crucial role in skin, cardiovascular, neurolgical and immune system health. Omega 3 EFA's have also been found to be helpful with the relief of allergy symptoms. Both Omega 3's and Omega 6's are important to canine health, with an optimal ratio of 1:1. Omega 9's have no known use in pets. An imbalance in the Omega 3, Omega 6 ratio, in particular a low level of Omega 3 EFA's in our diet, can lead to inflammation, heart disease, cancer or arthritis.

We get Omega 6's from the foods we eat, like cereal grains and vegetable oils. Since our bodies don't naturally produce Omega 3's it is necessary to add them to our diets via supplements. The most beneficial EFA's are eicoapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Alpha linolenic acid (ALA), is another beneficial EFA, although less potent. Fish oils like Salmon oil are high in EPA and DHA. Flaxseed Oil is high in ALA, however, the digestive system must convert it to EPA and DHA, which results in fewer EFA's per serving. Therefore, fish oils, like salmon, are the preferred source of EFA's.

When you are selecting a fish oil take quality into consideration. A poor quality fish oil can leave you smelling like something that washed up on a beach. I take an unscented, wild caught Icelandic Salmon Oil that is pharmaceutical grade and free of toxins and heavy metals.

Since, I've added Salmon Oil to my diet I haven't looked or felt better. Just ask the ladies. So make sure to let your humans know that fish oil is just as good for you as it is for them.

~ Gus
Senior Product Researcher
See Spot Shop at the Summit

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